- fluxible::co2_concCO2 concentration
- fluxible::co2_conc_missingCO2 concentration
- fluxible::co2_df_missingCO2 concentration with missing data
- fluxible::co2_df_shortCO2 concentration
- fluxible::co2_fluxesCO2 fluxes
- fluxible::co2_liahovdenCO2 concentration at Liahovden
- fluxible::conc_posterCO2 concentration
- fluxible::raw_twogasesCO2 and CH4 concentration
- fluxible::record_liahovdenMeasurements meta data at Liahovden
- fluxible::record_shortMeasurements meta data
- fluxible::slopes0Slopes for each flux
- fluxible::slopes0_flagSlopes for each flux
- fluxible::slopes0_tempSlopes for each flux
- fluxible::slopes0_volSlopes for each flux
- fluxible::slopes0linSlopes for each flux
- fluxible::slopes0lin_flagSlopes for each flux
- fluxible::slopes30Slopes for each flux
- fluxible::slopes30_flagSlopes for each flux
- fluxible::slopes30linSlopes for each flux
- fluxible::slopes30lin_flagSlopes for each flux
- fluxible::slopes30quaSlopes for each flux
- fluxible::slopes30qua_flagSlopes for each flux
- fluxible::slopes60Slopes for each flux
- fluxible::slopes60linSlopes for each flux
- fluxible::twogases_recordField record